It’s finally fall. This week the temperatures dropped, the air crisped up, and sudden pumpkin cravings set in.
One of my favorite things about fall is sweaters. My love of sweaters is well-documented. Sweaters are a key part of fall vintage style, and autumnal style in general. But sweaters aren’t the only fall clothes I’m excited about.
This year, I realized everything I like falls into four distinct categories. So I named them and made Pinterest boards because that’s the kind of nerd I am.
Here they are:
Fall Vintage Fashion Look 1:Radcliffe Or Vassar?
Mid-century collegiate fashion. I’m thinking of circle skirts, sensible shoes, and all things plaid and tweed. Oh, how I love both plaid and tweed.

Look 2: We Have Always Lived In the Apple Orchard
Dungarees, overalls, button-ups, and hair scarves. Aka “play clothes,” perfect for a casual trip to the orchard, or enlisting in the Women’s Land Army.

FYI, Collectif is Queen of Old-Fashioned Overalls (not an affiliate link!). I wear the Pippa Style all the time, and am constantly approached by people demanding to know where I got them. And then I have to say, “I order them online from England” and feel like either a very fancy fin de siecle lady, or, you know, kind of a tool.
Look 3: Librarian With A Secret
The secret is that the library is haunted. The secret is that the librarian is a spy. The secret is…I don’t know what it is, but there certainly is one. Cat-eye glasses, a rainbow of cardigans, and peter pan collars that belie the inner darkness. This is a year-round aesthetic, let’s be honest.

Blouse+pencil skirt+cardigan+air of mystery=Success
Look 4: A Little Creepy
Can’t have October without things getting a little creepy. Black chiffon, black lace, black, black, black. Inspiration: Somewhere in between Morticia and Wednesday Addams.

Apparently I’ve been dressing like a librarian with a secret. I didn’t even know.
It was part of the secret!