I believe home cooking is revolutionary.
I mean it. I think cooking your own food from scratch at home is an act of revolt against our corporate food system. The fact that it’s often cheaper and healthier and more delicious is just gravy, as far as I’m concerned.
I love to cook, but a lot of vintage recipes don’t work for me. We’ve certainly learned a lot about nutrition since our grandmothers were first making dinner. This is where retrofitting comes in. I look at the good things about foods from previous eras and then I give them a good hit of my own standards– mixing in some whole grains, cutting down the sugar. Your approach may be different, and that’s fine by me. I am not looking to get into a fight, people.
All The Food Stuff
Everything food-related, from massive baking projects to old cookbook reviews
Food Preservation Projects
Here’s where you’ll find all the canning, pickling, and preserving projects.
Some of them are even good.