Month of Vintage Underwear: Keeping Warm

Winter is coming, and I’m not going to stop wearing skirts.

Not this year. Not this time.

I really like skirts and dresses. I wear pants, and a good pair of jeans is nice, and all, but most of the time I feel the most like myself in skirts and dresses. The problem, of course, is winter. It gets cold, and all of my resolve departs, and back into pants I go.

One of the primary purposes of undergarments is keeping warm. Now with things like central heating and better insulation, and lives where many go from house to car to building without much time spent outside, it’s easy to forget that.

Modern bras and panties are not good at keeping you warm. A long-line bra with a girdle that covers your core is way more effective. Throw on some big tall socks and it’s downright cozy.   Continue reading “Month of Vintage Underwear: Keeping Warm”

Month of Vintage Underwear: DIY Pillowcase Pettipants

The thing eventually makes November a poor choice for Vintage Underwear Month is how cold one gets without tights.

I clip on my stockings, and adjust my skirt, and one good cold wind gets up in my business and I’m just done.

So one of my solutions (more solutions to come) is a little pair of undershorts. I chose the softest pillowcase at the thrift store, washed it really well, and then turned it into a silky pair of drawers.

A lovely pale blue pillowcase.

Continue reading “Month of Vintage Underwear: DIY Pillowcase Pettipants”