Recipes for salad seem a little silly.
But this one was really delightful, so I’ll share it.
Summer salads are lush and lovely, but winter invites minimalism. Lettuce forms the base of this one, but spinach, cooked greens, or massaged kale would be good, too. A crisp apple and crunchy broccoli stems co-star in an unlikely, but delicious, pairing.
I’ve been reading Julia Child lately, and therein lay the inspiration with the broccoli stems. Mrs. Child advocates for peeling broccoli, which, to be honest, is something I usually skip. I’m glad I ran across her suggestion, because otherwise tonight’s gnarly-looking broccoli stems would have gone in the trash. Instead, I peeled and chopped them, and they tasted and crunched a lot like their cousin, kohlrabi.
This is definitely in the spirit of Maker Monday, because it was all about using up bits and pieces of things that were kicking around the fridge. This was the perfect amount for two as a side dish, but it would be easy to expand with more lettuce.

Five romaine leaves (you could use more, but that’s what I had)
Three broccoli stalks (not florets)
One Gala apple
Prepared creamy dressing. (I used Annie’s Naturals Lemon Chive)
Tear the lettuce leaves into bite-sized pieces. Peel the broccoli stalks, chop them into small chunks. Slice the apple thinly, and quarter. Toss with a tablespoon or two of dressing. TA-DA!
That’s it. I told you a recipe was silly.