November 1, 2014. The Dawn of the Girdle.
Okay, so it isn’t that dramatic. Yesterday was the first day of the Vintage Underwear Challenge. It went pretty well.
I wore:
- A pretty serious girdle, of unknown date, of possibly French or Canadian manufacture. I got it at a clothing swap a year or so ago. It has a u-shaped piece of boning on the tummy panel, and fastens at the side.
- A long line bra of a sort of bullety variety, that I had altered. From eBay. Probably from the 50’s. Heavy elastic waist band.
I wore leggings over my girdle, because it was cold. I have decided that is legit. I wore it underneath for photos, because the world (or at least my mother) does not need to look at pictures of my bits.

Activities Completed in This Get Up:
- Rode in a car.
- Saw a play.
- Walked a bunch.
- Ate a lot of nachos.
- Wore it for a good 10ish hours.
- It really wasn’t uncomfortable. It felt like a gentle hug around my middle, without being terribly obtrusive.
- Running to cross the street requires adjustment. I had to bring my legs straight up and down like a show pony, rather than extend my legs in front of me. I am sure this looked super dignified.
- This ensemble definitely created more of a waist than I actually have, a teensy bit lower than my actual waist. I am unsure of what I think of this.
November 2, Return of the Girdle
Today, I wore:
- A much lighter “roll on” style girdle, with heavy-duty stocking clips. Obtained from eBay.
- Long-line bra, from a clothing swap.
- Vassarette stockings (from eBay, in original packaging).

Activities Completed in This Get Up:
- Walked short distances.
- Went to a party.
- Wore about 8 hours.
- It was warmer today, but not warm enough to just wear stockings. I think I’ll eventually make a pair of bloomers, but for now, I chopped off the legs of an old pair of long johns. They came down to my stocking tops, and kept me quite comfy.
- Real stockings are way, way sturdier than the kind sold for costumes.
- Again, nothing felt too confining or uncomfortable.

So far, so good. Of course, it’s only been two days!