There’s a lot of neat stuff from the past.
Yesteryear holds an abundance of beautiful fashion, useful life skills, and many hints from the original DIY lifestyle. Retrofitting Vintage is about borrowing these things, and reworking them to fit our modern lives.
There’s also a lot of garbage.
I was definitely not “born in the wrong era.” I like old-fashioned design, a DIY ethic, and a home-centered lifestyle, but you know what I also like? Civil rights. Modern medicine. The Internet. I’m not signing up for time travel, no thank you. That’s not what this is about. Call it #vintagestylesnotvintagevalues, call it rescuing the nice baby from some truly disgusting bathwater, but we’re not wearing rose-colored glasses around here.
Take what’s good, and leave the rest.
Retrofitting Vintage is about being a radical feminist who knits. A very masculine man who makes cakes. A person who wants purple hair and a 1940’s housedress. A two-mom family that appreciates a trip to the apple orchard. Bring your own worldview, see what old-fashioned stuff works for you.