We’re having weird weather in the Midwest. Sunday was the opening of farmer’s market season, and it was definitely not a sundressy day. Instead, I needed TWO layers of sweater.

The Details
- Overalls are Collectif’s 1940s-style, that they are apparently not making this season. They are the most comfortable thing, and whoever decided to put the crotch of women’s pants in the actual crotch, instead of this dropped down business, clearly didn’t think it through.
- Stripey sweater is me-made, from this pattern, in the recommended 1940s colors.
- Cardigan is from the thrift store, originally from somewhere like Forever 21
- Bag is the Library Tote by Maroonish, which is the sturdiest, handiest thing, perfect for the farmer’s market.
- Shoes are real cheap sad Keds knockoffs.
Even with the lower temperatures, it was a sunny and lovely day to stock up on rhubarb. And really, rhubarb is really the only thing I care about the first week of June.