I love retro brands, but nothing can replace the thrift store.
Thrifting was how I got into vintage when I was a kid. Little did I know that the mid-nineties were vintage-thrift heaven. Nowadays, true vintage usually gets snatched up quickly by vintage sellers, or never winds up in the thrift store in the first place. Gone are the days of finding bunches of 1960s cast-offs for a couple bucks.
Still, it’s possible to create vintage-style looks from the thrift store, even if finding actual vintage pieces is rare. This outfit struck the just the right 1940’s notes without looking too costumey, and is comprised almost entirely of thrift store pieces.

From earrings to socks, the cost for the whole shebang was less than $20. The skirt was one of those thrift store Shangri La situations. It’s a wool pencil skirt, and it was on 90 cent special. It just so happened it’s original $100 price tag was still attached. Perfection. The blouse was originally from Talbots, but I think the widespread collar, ruched detailing, and print make it look quite mid-century.

The most expensive, and non-thrifted items were the snood, which I think I paid about $8 for, and the earrings (from Splendette) which were about the same.

I wore this ensemble to see The Gentleman Caller at Raven Theatre. Set in 1944, it tells the story of the fateful meetings of great American playwrights William Inge and Tennessee Williams. Here are Bob and I, being Inge and Williams, just like the poster.