
It’s hot out this week. After a June full of rain and low temperatures, summer has really landed here in Chicago.

I generally spend hot weather lying in front of a fan, sipping ice water, and arguing with my partner about turning the air conditioner on. I have the heat tolerance of a popsicle, anything over 80 makes me want to hide in a cave until fall, the queen of seasons.

However, I understand that many of you adore the heat. And good for you! In celebration of summer, here are a few vintage takes on the heat.

First off, Miss Piggy, singing the classic “We’re Having a Heatwave.”

Bonus: The penguin back up singers are much more comfortable than the racial stereotypes in the original Marilyn Monroe number.
Bonus: Miss Piggy’s penguin back up singers are much more comfortable to watch than the racial stereotypes in the original Marilyn Monroe number.

Next, this great collection of photographs from British heatwaves (warning: Nudity!) throughout the 20th century.

Followed by the perfect sun hat. In fact, I’d take any of Unique Vintage’s pretties. My current sun hat is losing its shape, and their hats are just peaches.

And finally, a reminder about heat safety—be careful, and check on your elderly friends and neighbors.